LiWi offers a safe, confidential, and inclusive space for communication, sharing information, experiences, and feelings among people with the same or similar health conditions. And even in complete anonymity.
What LiWi does not
offer to users?
Space for dangerous disinformation, hoaxes, and intolerance.
What extra value does LiWi bring to patient organisations?
Secure environment for managing communities, enabling direct communication and interaction among peers, as well as the sharing of support and experiences.
Platform for educational activities, disseminating information about diseases, treatment alternatives, and strategies for managing daily life challenges.
Data collection
Gathering of data on patient experiences, needs, and preferences, which can be leveraged for advocating on behalf of patients.
…it provides the opportunity to become active and participate in changes to the system where the individual is the focus.
Who is behind it?
LiWi is a startup project by a group of professionals with experience in patient organizations and business. The main motivation is to create a functional and sustainable tool for patients, enabling them to become relevant partners in the healthcare environment.
From my experience, I know that people simply need to share particularly sensitive information about their lives (including life with illness). LiWi is being created as a confidential, safe, and inclusive space where this information is protected, yet at the same time, it will serve to improve the quality of healthcare.“
Martin, COO
As a parent of a child with a disability, I understand how important it is to be effectively and safely connected with a community of people who have similar destinies and face similar problems. I am pleased that I can help provide such communities with a digital tool that will assist them with this.